Julie Alm

Director of Educator Preparation

Julie Alm is the Director of Educator Preparation. She oversees the Noble Pathway to Professional certification (NPP). NPP is a comprehensive, multi-faceted new teacher experience, designed to deliver developing educators asynchronously online courses in tandem with individualized mentoring and coaching. This alternative teacher certification pathway is a 9 month, 100% online, job embedded program that leads to professional certification. Julie has a passion for equipping teachers with pedagogical and best practices and inspiring educators to provide the ultimate learning environment for students. This passion is what led her to join the NEI team. She brings over 25 years of experience as an education professional. Julie earned her Bachelor of Science in Exceptional Student Education with a minor in Elementary Education and a Master’s degree in Educational Leadership from Florida Atlantic University. Julie is a recognized innovator who has developed and implemented programs yielding high student achievement and significant learner growth. She has served as a classroom teacher, curriculum specialist, program developer, and principal liaison. She was the principal of one of the highest performing K – 8 combination schools, in Florida, for the past sixteen years. She has presented online and at conferences on topics including enhancing school culture, innovative classroom management, growing teacher leaders, developing a growth mindset, response to intervention, and effective use of data to drive instructional practice. Julie empowers educators to meet the needs of the "Whole Child" while maintaining academic rigor and an invigorating school culture.