School Management & Operations

Charter Management Organization

NEI currently manages three tuition-free, public charter schools in the State of Tennessee.  To find out more our about our schools, please visit,, and

School and District Management

Noble Education Initiative does not only prepare the educators of tomorrow, but manages the education of today. NEI handles day-to-day operation of individual schools or entire school districts, including all aspects of education, teacher & administrator evaluation, financials, operations, and state results reporting.

School and Classroom Management

Noble Education Initiative supports school and classroom management with industry-leading positive behavior supports and restorative practices. We help teachers and administrators excel in the classroom by taking control through planning, modeling, and delivering consistent, fair practices.

Turnaround is a dramatic and comprehensive intervention in a low-performing school that:  a) produces significant gains in achievement within two years; and b) readies the school for the longer process of transformation into a high-performance organization.

School Tunraround

In 2016, Noble Education Initiative (NEI) was hired as a supporting partner in the turnaround process of four Indianapolis Public Schools: Emma Donnan Middle School, Emmerich Manual High School, and TC Howe Community High School.

This partnership resulted in positive improvements in school quality and student success.  After a successful completion of the contract, the Indiana State Board of Education voted to return Emma Donnan Middle School, Emmerich Manual High School, and Thomas Carr Howe Community High School to their home district in June 2020.

View Results

Indianapolis Public Schools Turnaround Results: 2018-19 Highlights

  • After consecutive years as a failing school, Thomas Carr Howe High School earned a C school rating in 2019. In most grade-levels, achievement is trending up in English Language Arts and Math.

  • TC Howe Community High School increased in College and Career Readiness from 6.5% 2016-2017 to 17.9% in 2018-2019.

  • Emmerich Manual High School has maintained a C three years in a row, and was just three points shy of a B in 2019. English Language Arts achievement is trending up, and students are meeting the multiple measures indicators.

  • Emmerich Manual High School received high growth points for the lowest 25% in math.

  • Emma Donnan Elementary and Middle School dramatically out performed the district on the new iLEARN assessment.

  • All three schools were the first Cambridge International Schools in Indiana.

  • Both Emmerich Manual High School and TC Howe Community High School have held the highest or second highest growth in comparison to the district.