Learning Loss Recovery Programs
When the Covid-19 pandemic hit in the early part of 2020, the majority of our nation's schools closed their doors and paused education as mandated by federal, state and local social distancing and safety guidelines. As the pandemic spread, and social distancing efforts became a mainstay, schools were mandated to restart instruction via remote learning only. This manded new remote learning model involves a drastically different approach to education, and heavy reliance on technology.
Without having much time to prepare for this shift, schools reopened to offer remote, online education without being properly prepared or trained to do so. While some schools had access to the latest technology to facilitate a seamless transition to online learning, most of our nation's schools did not, leading to a diminished quality of education no matter the talent and commitment of educators on the other side of the computer screen. Learning Loss is the unfortunate consequence of the rapid transition to online-only learning, and the gap in education it caused.
Recovery from Learning Loss
Noble Education Initiative's (NEI) Learning Loss programs are designed to give students back the time they lost due to the Covid-19 pandemic and catch them up to grade standards. NEI is a national thought leader in bridging the education gap, expertly taking on and turning around underperforming schools with a mix if talented educators and curriculum development, the latest technology and a passionate approach to giving students a chance for a successful future.

Catch Up to Get Ahead!
NEI's Learning Loss programs are based on the idea that no amount of high-tech remote learning can replace the fundamental student-teacher and student-to-student interaction via in-person instruction. The Learning Loss program involves a combination of after-school programs, summer programs, summer camps, and for those who wish to maintain separation, quality remote learning options featuring the latest technology.
Learning Loss due to the Covid-19 pandemic affected nearly all students across our nation in some capacity. NEI's Learning Loss Recovery programs make sure to make up for that lost time. Contact us today!