Dayna Morales

Sr. Director of Student Achievement and Academic Outcomes

Dayna Morales is the Senior Director of Student Achievement and AcademicOutcomes at NEI. Dayna has over 14 years of K-12 educational experience. Nomatter the role, Dayna has a passion for coaching and supporting teachers andschool leaders to ensure student success for all.


Dayna had served as a professional educator in many capacities. She beganher career as an elementary teacher at Winthrop Charter School in Riverview FLbefore moving to an instructional coaching role serving as a lead curriculumspecialist in the West Florida area. Dayna then continued pursing her passionin leadership and moved on to become the founding assistant principal at UnionPark Charter Academy located in Wesley Chapel Florida. Dayna was then named Principal of Union Park Charter Academy February of 2020 where she continued tosupport innovation, creativity, and collaboration through the mission andvision of Union Park. Through her work with community model schools, she becamea principal on assignment supporting principal mentorship and schools’ academicsupports in Florida, North Carolina, and South Carolina on building flexibletechnology rich learning spaces dedicated to supporting all students. Prior to joining NEI, Dayna Served as the Director of Curriculum and Instruction for a large charter school management organization.


Dayna holds a Specialist in Education, ED. S in Educational Leadershipfrom Old Dominion University located in Norfolk, Virginia. She received herMaster’s in education, M.Ed., and Bachelor of Science in History with a Minorin Women’s Studies from Fairleigh Dickinson University in Madison, New Jersey.